Rio From The Forest

The vast majority of trails we offer are part of the Tijuca National Park, a large green area that is meant for a good part of town. On this tour, we go to the ” heart ” of the Tijuca Forest, the main point of the largest urban forest in the world.

 We started the first part in the car, on a beautiful breathtaking journey. Within seconds, the urban buildings will give place to the extensive green, cut only by road and some pretty lookouts. In the forest, we visit a very interesting place, with explanations in English and Portuguese of all biodiversity of the area.

 After understand better about where we are, we make a 30 minutes trail to the highest place of the city, the Pico da Tijuca. On the top, we find a beautiful 360 degree view of Rio de Janeiro. Above, you realize the immensity of the forest in the city, and the south, north and West zones, side by side.

 We end with the Chinese view. Named due to Chinese workers who lived in the vicinity of the sitein the nineteenth century, the view offers a diferente and beautiful look of the city from the point of view of the forest. Unmissable!

Pico da Tijuca

Bico do Papagaio - Rio de Janeiro

A Vista Chinesa, localizada no Alto da Boa Vista, no Rio de Janeiro, oferece uma vista diferenciada da cidade.
